Become a Member
Members Receive:
Bi-montly newsletters
10% discount in the Museum Gift Shop
Free Gilpin History Museum and Thomas House Admission
$1 off each Cemetery Crawl ticket (when purchased by a member)
Membership Levels:
Our Future (K-12) - $5
Individual - $35
Family (up to four people) - $50
Gilpin Gold Membership - $100 (includes two free tickets to the Cemetery Crawl or Creepy Crawl)
Business - $150
Includes business name and corporate logo on website and at events during active membership.
4 tickets to the Cemetery Crawl or Creepy Crawl
Elite - $250
Includes name and corporate logo on website and at events during active membership.
4 tickets to the Cemetery Crawl or Creepy Crawl
A copy of the book Little Kingdom of Gilpin or Up the Gulch
Benefactor - $600
Includes business name or corporate logo on website and at events
4 tickets to the Cemetery Crawl or Creepy Crawl
Copies of the books Little Kingdom of Gilpin and Up the Gulch
VIP tour of historic sites in Central City with the museum curator (appointment required).